Producer x composer x teacher x parent x audiophile.



Utrecht, Netherlands

Joined on 7/20/02

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NemesisTheory's News

Posted by NemesisTheory - November 19th, 2008

EDIT 2/1/2009 |
Happy belated newyear everyone!
i'm totally stuck at home with stomach flu so this new year cycle sucked for me XD


EDIT 10.12.2008 |
Rose At Twilight is here!
I hope you'll all enjoy it!


Hi everyone!
I guess after almost 6 months it's maybe, almost time for a new Rose (and a new news post) !

Well, I'm here to let you guys know that there is a new Rose coming, very soon!

I really hope you all will enjoy it, because... it's gonna be epic! lol.
Look for it in the coming few weeks. :)

If anyone has some title suggestions I'd be willing to look at them. :P
The more original, the better!

Posted by NemesisTheory - July 9th, 2008

Seriously. Awesome.

About two weeks ago when I asked you guys on what to upload next I really didn't think I'd spark this much interest. Rose at Nightfall really is doing such an awesome job, there's really nobody I can thank but each and every one of you guys that reviewed, voted and listened to my music as a whole.

Now two weeks later; #1 on the Weekly Best and now #2 on Overall Best? That's just crazy, seriously. We all know how many blammers haunt Newgrounds and honestly I never thought Nightfall would last through it's scoring process this week. But all of you really made it happen.

I couldn't respond to many of your PM's and reviews as I'd have liked because my personal life is kicking off again the past few days (a story to tell for those who are interested I suppose, but useless in this post overall), but right after I'm done typing all of this I'll get to each and every one of you who've shown interest and appreciation.

How could I not respond to you? That would be rude, honestly. So really, don't worry if I haven't responded yet; I will. I usually am really slow with my older submissions but if you really want a response on a review I've totally forgotten, PM me and I'll get to it. :)

All in all, consider this a big "Thank You" note from me, to all of you.

Now I'm off to respond to everything you guys sent me over the last few days when I wasn't here!
And if I've forgotten something, let me know! Send another PM, I really don't care XD I'm just really slow sometimes.

PS: Here come the blammers! X3
Hi children! Hope you have fun. You were expected like a week ago, slowpokes!


Posted by NemesisTheory - June 24th, 2008

I'm having a hard time deciding what to upload next, really. I've a bunch of stuff lying around and I don't want to upload it all, honestly. So, I'm gonna ask the few who actually visit this side of the interwebs and see what comes out!

I haaave...

New Boss Theme,
Harder faster and stronger than Rose at Midnight, which was just a fight theme really.

Victory Theme,
I suppose I really don't have to explain that one.

(A few of you already saw this one, maybe, before I removed it.
I'm not exactly happy with it just yet!)

(Another lol) Trance Song, I suppose this one speaks for itself too.

Or I can take a request and remix some videogame song.
I have to like it as well, though! I can't really work if I don't have any inspiration when I listen to the song, lol.

Anyway, um, I guess that about covers it. There's other random stuff but honestly, I'm just not happy with 90% of what I create, end up posting it and seeing flaws in it eventually that I really regret not having fixed, or added... I'm just never satisfied I suppose.

If you managed to read through all that I'm actually impressed.

Also why did we lose to Russia? waaah! ;_;
no more orange parties till at least two years!

Posted by NemesisTheory - April 2nd, 2008

There's a lot of love going around on this audiopage lately, don't you think?
Don't worry, it's all mutual.

Posted by NemesisTheory - January 23rd, 2008

Ghostwave is #1 on the audiocharts?!

Thanks a lot guys, I never saw it coming with this track!

Anyway, I guess I owe you an update on how it's going in the clubs - so far the response has been great and I've been asked to do a little more for them, acapella remixes in fact.

So the question really is; would you like to have those type of remixes on the NGAP? Let me know!

Once again, many thanks to everyone who's been supporting me. I may not know all of you but I damn sure as hell love you. :p

Also, I have to note this, R.I.P Heath Ledger. I was really impressed by his performance as Joker in The Dark Knight. It's really sad to see that kind of talent disappear so sudden.

Holy awesomesauce!

Posted by NemesisTheory - December 28th, 2007

As promised, the FU2i1 OST has been assembled by my good friend Wortex17 and made available for download via torrent, megaupload, rapidshare etc for all the people with an interest for it.

Go here for the link.

Check it out, tell me what you think, and enjoy.
There's 12 tracks in there, 9 from the game, 3 for bonus.

Posted by NemesisTheory - November 21st, 2007

Yep! People with sharp eyes have no doubt already seen that Fear Unlimited 2 has been released yesterday (timezone stuffs for me), and has won Daily Feature for 11/21/2007, which brings a smile to this face.

I would suggest anyone that actually visits this page to go play it and tell us what you think. The more response we get, the better the next game will become. I really think it's a step up from most other flash games in terms of content and gameplay, but you'll have to judge that for yourselves. Go out there, play it and enjoy it!

It's time for a well earned rest now, for whenever we might start working on Issue 2 if this one does well enough.

Aaaaand, crossing the finish line!

Posted by NemesisTheory - October 26th, 2007

Oh, Harro!

It's been busy the last few weeks, I'll give you that. I've been making tracks like crazy for Fear Unlimited 2, some of you might be familiar with the original, if you're not, go play it! It's a really fun tribute to Devil May Cry.

I gotta say I've been impressed with the way the new game is shaping out to be, especially the art direction. Dizzy has really improved overall on his artwork skills, and it really shows. The game still plays like you'd expect, just more stuff to it, personal favorite is ripping someone apart. The people who loved this game are going to love the sequel, no doubt about that.

It's going to be released in several "issues" though, the game is too big (story wise and stuff) to release in 1 go, so there'll be more parts to it, which in turn makes for more gameplay. I suppose fans can't complain about this.

I really wouldn't know anything else to say about it. Aside from that it's going to be released soon. Dizzy hopes for a 31st of October release, but I doubt we'll make it. There's still a lot of touchups to be done, and I wouldn't want him to release a buggy version. So, stay tuned for that.

Oh, and as far as my involvement goes...
Here's a little something.

Posted by NemesisTheory - September 20th, 2007

Oh, Harro! Going to try this thing out.

So, what do I have to say. Lately I've been returning to my decadent dormant Final Fantasy VII fanboy state. With my shiny PS3 in hand(s), I can finally play PS1 games again because my PS2 for some odd reason couldn't handle them anymore. Either they ran all sloppy or wouldn't start at all period.

So, booting that 'ol badboy up again after like, 7 years, I can still remember this 12-13 year old kid being blown away by this game every second of the way. I guess it's a good time to like FF VII again since SquareEnix are doing their little milkey-business again, and are going to do it for ten years as they've stated. I wouldn't mind it if they, now, kept up the quality they've seemed to reach with Crisis Core. That game is really good! I just really hope they can keep that quality up and not go back to the Dirge of Cerberus type of stuff. That wasn't very impressive. Anyway, this time around, I'm gonna take my time getting all the ultimate weapons and try to beat the weapons. I never got around to doing that. Definitely looking forward to that.

All this Final Fantasy VII stuff has given me some inspiration to work with also, as I've just (yesterday) finished my version of the Fighting theme, which I hope you'll all enjoy. I didn't try to deviate from the formula as much as would've liked, because in the end, I didn't really want to ruin the mood the original created.

I'm contemplating on how I should approach the Shinra Company theme, which is what I'm toying around with right now. The original, I felt, really is epic and I think anything I'd change from that formula would drastically remove it's raw epicness, if that makes sense. So I might just make a type of 'tribute' and just put it in brand new coating, in my own style, but not as fast as Fight 2007. Still some thinking to be done about that, anyway, before I put it down and get to work. Comments on this subject are really welcome (!).

As for anything else, I'm glued to my screen about this rumerous Endless Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for the PS3. Something tells me it's not the remake most of us have been waiting for, it seems too early for that, but I definitely wouldn't mind it. And what with the (big) rumor that Sony is funding the entire project, it has to be something good; remake or not. What did famitsu say again, "The game that will save the PS3?" stop with the hinting, already. :)

Oh, and definitely check out the TGS '07 trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4.
That game just gets sicker by the minute.