Producer x composer x teacher x parent x audiophile.



Utrecht, Netherlands

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Mwah! Clueless!

Posted by NemesisTheory - June 24th, 2008

I'm having a hard time deciding what to upload next, really. I've a bunch of stuff lying around and I don't want to upload it all, honestly. So, I'm gonna ask the few who actually visit this side of the interwebs and see what comes out!

I haaave...

New Boss Theme,
Harder faster and stronger than Rose at Midnight, which was just a fight theme really.

Victory Theme,
I suppose I really don't have to explain that one.

(A few of you already saw this one, maybe, before I removed it.
I'm not exactly happy with it just yet!)

(Another lol) Trance Song, I suppose this one speaks for itself too.

Or I can take a request and remix some videogame song.
I have to like it as well, though! I can't really work if I don't have any inspiration when I listen to the song, lol.

Anyway, um, I guess that about covers it. There's other random stuff but honestly, I'm just not happy with 90% of what I create, end up posting it and seeing flaws in it eventually that I really regret not having fixed, or added... I'm just never satisfied I suppose.

If you managed to read through all that I'm actually impressed.

Also why did we lose to Russia? waaah! ;_;
no more orange parties till at least two years!


A Remix form the Riku theme form KH2 would be great. I'd love to hear it in your DarkD'n'B style <3

details per msn


I'll study the mp3 you gave me! I do think I can do something with it later on! :D

The Boss Theme would be nice :D
Haha only a true artist is never satisfied with his work, and will keep improving it
You indeed have my respect

You got it! It's uploaded. :D
and lol, maybe so, but I dont like that feeling that I missed something. I have it again right now with Nightfall... but egh, I'll let you guys decide and I can always take it off to improve some stuff if it sucks lol.

Of course! you know who loves hardcore fast themes and if you get bored you can remix it all into one? (maybe a Balmung Prestige 2?) or if you'd like a request try, battle for the fields from Rudra no Hihou (message me if you need the track). Lol just some choices for you (and me for more drawlings :D)

Balmung Prestige 2 sounds cool actually, I did like that melody. I'll keep this in mind!

And I've never heard that track, is it really good? ;p

thank you!

Boss theme.

I'm in the mood for some epicness so if you don't mind, a boss battle theme please...

-The Indifferent-One

You got it! It's uploaded. :D

Hope you enjoy!

I say... (drumroll please)...(Thadaa!) "New Boss Theme"
I don't know. I just kinda feel like listening to something really hardcore :D

Russia won? A<a href="http://www..">www..</a>. Here in the USA there was no friggen info about it (damn "Football". I call it Sumoball). Was Finland in it? I have no idea anymore (The Americans have corrupted my mind).

Anyway, can't see what you decide to up! Later1

Then gogo, it's uploaded lol.

Russia won the match yes but NOT THE TOURNEY! ;_;
well I guess it does not matter anymore but it still feels crappy even though russia totally deserved to win.

finland was not in it, austria and switzerland were though!

I really love to hear another Boss battle...

Another Rose at (time of day)? Rose at Dusk?

Then it's your lucky day lol, its uploaded! X3

:( You said you've been busy for school... now I read you got so much stuff lying around for release you want to let the community decide what to upload. This is VERY confusing *feels a bit angry -__- * If you got time now you could work a bit (or more) on the Song you told me you would do for us...
On the other hand I really want to make some JJ2 remixes cause it has the most coolest electronic game music ever!!! If you want I could send some Tracks over, maybe you get inspired to remix some too ;)

I have been! But these sort of tracks aren't that hard to make because the inspiration is so easy when you go play stuff like Chrono Trigger, you know? The music sort of writes itself in that regard.

But your song is coming along nicely as well, in fact it's almost done! Do you want me to upload it once it's done or upload it (nonNG) and send it to you?

And sure lol if it's good. <3

The funny thing after I said of a potential title, Dusk is very close to Night Fall...

And very good, its just as action packed as Rose at Midnight, but is heavier.

I want to save dusk for later! The title gives me some good ideas about some place that turns scary after the sun sets lol. Might give me something different to try out! :D

Thanks! Heavier indeed, I blame the drums lol

Aww.. well my portugal team also lost.. so i feal your pain :P
Anyway, i really enjoy your work.. and there are very few recognizable audio artists here on ng.. but you are one of them.
I am really interested in your "asian temptation" track for a game i'm am currently developing.. its an action platformer game. I also would like to know if you would be open to developing some music for the game, like in Fear Unlimited 2.
Its still too early in develpmont for anything yet to be decisive.. i would just like to know if i could contact you later for a more defenitive proposition.
If you wanna know more about the game... i have several posts about it on my userpage.
Keep up the good work!

I saw your match! I really expected you to score in the final moments :( too bad it never happened, portugal and netherlands were the favorites you know :(

thank you, that means a lot lol, and sure. it depends on the workload; style and duration of the tracks but i'm sure we can manage to get something good going lol!

so yes, you can definitely contact me once you have something you want me to focus on. and i will check it out, the art looks good already :D

i will try, thanks! :D

By the way, what program did you use? I promoted Rose at Nightfall at a forums and they like it, and one asks that question.

FL Studio 7! :D
tell them i said thanks <3

you should do the new boss theme. rose at midnight was really good so i would like to see what u did for the boss them song. alright peace gurl.

Feel free to check it out. :)

Oooh, stuffs lying around eh? I usually release all my stuff at once but it never seems to do well. Guess less people really like the metal :(

Russia have done really well this year. They've changed their act a bit :P

I don't like to release many songs close together, it sort of feels wrong lol. And people are crazy! Metal is cool too!

And yes they have! Dutch coaches for the win, huh? :D

Firstly the new Rose is awesome and i left a comment on it's page. Honestly, i thought Netherlands was either going to be Champion or really close to it (decision by Penalty shootouts or something). Aside from that, i would really like to see you doing something with the Infinity Mijinion stage track of Megaman X6.

Cool! I'll respond to it in a moment! :D

And yes, a lot of dutch people and friends of mine thought the same. It's been a strange eurocup! Just like the last one where Greece steamrolled over everyone, and now Spain does the same!

I have not heard that track. Do you have a link somewhere?

I was literally on the edge of my seat when watching the last Portugal game... :P I was actually scared of Portugal playing holand if they got to the finals.. they litteraly bulldozed their group with goals..then i wished they would take revenge against germany for beating us.. then russia came in and made them lose.. Footeball is really unpredictable.. Well now i'm rooting for spain, cause they're close by.. (and they didnt beat us :P) Hopefully our teams will do better in the world cup! ;)

Thank you for the response.. i really hope u can work on something.. i am a huge fan of your work and would love to hear your work on the game.

It might take a while before i contact you.. cause the art really takes alot of time. Each animation is done frame by frame so it takes a while to draw everything.. probably will get something to work with in about a months time..

Oh and btw... i love your new boss theme.. 5/5

Yeah, football really is unpredictable! You can beat the best of the best but can still be defeated by what people call 'lesser teams'... we've seen it happens lots of times lol.

spain is doing really well, and in the finals as well! I will be cheering for them :D

Sure, i can work on something, the question is whether or not you'll like it haha.

And don't worry! Take all the time you need, make sure the game kicks total ass first lol! :D

and thank you! <3

Well, your work's always been really good, what can I say? But I've always loved the music from Golden Sun (the GBA RPG from however many years ago) and I'd love to hear some of that remixed, if ever you get the chance!

Alas, I have no compensation for you but my reviews, they'll have to do :(

I've played Golden Sun 1 before, the music was really great. I did some music that was inspired by it as well, but no remixes. I could always hunt down the OST's for those games and see what can be done with the melodies! :)

Your reviews ARE the compensation! <3

Well I believe that every upload you have made were awesome.
I must say i love how you actually mix the sounds in boss battles,
but you also rule in the trance territory....
Im in the epic mood but...
In my humble opinnion between those two.
It is up to your choice, and wathever you chose to upload..
im sure im going to like it.

it was decided that the boss theme would be uploaded, and that one is rose at nightfall <3

but if you want to hear anything else feel free to write it down as well!

1371 letters in your post.

Epic! :D

Indeed, quite epic.

haha XD

You know, I don't think Dimz knows you're a girl...

does it matter if he does or doesn't? ;)

Was thinking of cool gaming musics that would be cool to see remixed, and i thought of the character select theme of Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, i can send it to you by pm if you want.

Talking of pms, did you get mine with the Megaman X6 one?

I haven't heard that one! do send :D

and yes I did! You mean I never replied back?!
I loved the song you sent me!

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