I'm having a hard time deciding what to upload next, really. I've a bunch of stuff lying around and I don't want to upload it all, honestly. So, I'm gonna ask the few who actually visit this side of the interwebs and see what comes out!
I haaave...
New Boss Theme,
Harder faster and stronger than Rose at Midnight, which was just a fight theme really.
Victory Theme,
I suppose I really don't have to explain that one.
(A few of you already saw this one, maybe, before I removed it.
I'm not exactly happy with it just yet!)
(Another lol) Trance Song, I suppose this one speaks for itself too.
Or I can take a request and remix some videogame song.
I have to like it as well, though! I can't really work if I don't have any inspiration when I listen to the song, lol.
Anyway, um, I guess that about covers it. There's other random stuff but honestly, I'm just not happy with 90% of what I create, end up posting it and seeing flaws in it eventually that I really regret not having fixed, or added... I'm just never satisfied I suppose.
If you managed to read through all that I'm actually impressed.
Also why did we lose to Russia? waaah! ;_;
no more orange parties till at least two years!
A Remix form the Riku theme form KH2 would be great. I'd love to hear it in your DarkD'n'B style <3
details per msn
I'll study the mp3 you gave me! I do think I can do something with it later on! :D