
24 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 41 Reviews

You can't go wrong...

With a talented person going for some Sonic! :D

In the beginning, the synth lead that pops up above of everything is a little too loud, you'd want it like the other one that appears after for more instrument "cooperation" if you know what I mean! <3 Sounds very good, this part!

More trancy tradition after, with some cool nintendo synths here! :D

Man this song really has a lot of energy. :o
It almost has the same efffect as coffee, lol!

Really well executed! The only gripe I may have is that the drums stay the same throughout the entire (8 minute!) mix! But that's not necessarily a bad thing at all lol. :3

I'm gonna have to check out the other megamixes now...
I like sonic music >.> :P


- NT.

CrimzonWolf777 responds:

Thx for the review NT! I'm aware about the drums....I suck with percussion actually. So yeah...this is the last one....now my question is should I release the credits theme as an individual? ^_^v

This is so great

Everyone can tell you spent such a big time with this, it's really great how you put everything together, really, it all clicks. :)

Really a great portrayal of effort and creativity. I really am impressed! Totally deserved the #1 spot on both weekly and all time!

Congratulations on your achievements,
5/5 and 9/10!

- NT.

sonicmega responds:

This is definitely one of the better reviews I have read to this song so far, simply because your organization and explanation fully explained why you gave it the score you did.

If anything, I think people should enjoy that the rhyming comes mostly from the Pokemon names THEMSELVES. Sure, some are rhymed using adjacent phrases thrown in, but it's nowhere near as bad as the Hoenn Rap.

Totally a style...

I could get into! I love techno music as well, and I love dark approaches to techno as well. :)

I don't know Void Settler, but if it's anything close to this it must be good. :)

I like things like what you did at the 1 minute mark(1:07). I am a big fan of the subtle kick/bass and background support! The hihats you added after that are maybe a little too sharp (if that's the word) and sort of bring the music out of it's momentum, but that may just be me. :D

I love the progression here but I often find myself skipping ahead for a bit to see what's next! I love the bells in this section and the quiet vibe, really awesome. (I could totally see this in a Metroid Menu theme as well btw, lol).

It goes on for maybe a bit too long for it's own good, and falls back into a loop from the first section but with additions. That "phazed" instrument really reminds me of what celldweller does... have you ever heard of them? Great group. I think you'd like them too. :)

The song pretty much goes into another loop with additions, but it really works for a continious effect. :) Keeps you in the momentum of the song for the most part.

The ending is cool! Evil style fadeout, i like that. X3

Overall, really cool song! You may want to take care of a few issues with repetition and some more (but not necessary) variation in the song itself, be it with melodies, bpm or styles, but honestly the song is good as it is. :)

Really, good job!


- NT.

Carf responds:

yay, the length of the review is a new record ;).
At first, thank you that you compair my style with two of the most influened thingies that I can come up with. I always loved the music of Metroid (GC version) and Celldweller... ofcourse! Altrough I am more a LP fan but Celldweller's style, especially WITh Mike Shinoda schopt kont!

This is one of my most deepgoing tracks, and sometimes I even wonder how things has been done, but as you might know, its just like a GIANT jigsaw, you only have to place the pieces on the right track and magic happens instantly.

Thanks for the points and review, its appricaited.
Maybe you should give your twist on it ;)


That was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard the low-key synths!
the distorted drums really added to it as well, this really would fit in well with a metroid game :D

as for a level... um, I could picture it in a rainy forest area, I think that would fit pretty well, or in a menu!

this is very cool! :)

It could've used a little more variation or additions maybe, since it's longer than 2 minutes and the song seems to loop itself a few times, but aside from that really (and it's a small complaint!) this is really great. :)


- NT.

Carf responds:

Damn, I just left your reply unanswered for such a long time, forgive me Nemz ;).
Its always good to read back some decent replies from you, as I have learned so many things back in 2008.
Keep up the creativity :).



i love your approach to this song, it's sort of more videogame esque and very smooth. the simple beat in the beginning really leads into everything nicely, it's easy to just jump up and down when you hear that singular bass lol :D

i really liked the 'reset' as well once you leaded into the main theme, and the cutoffs were nice :D very powerful, although maybe a little bit too loud? though that may just be me.

the original sections were very cool! and i digg the organ going crazy lol, although again it sounds a bit too loud (everything jumbled together), but thats really no problem although it does happen more frequently at the end. :D

all in all great track!


- NT.

bitium-ribbon responds:

Haha, I appreciate the commentary but you totally kicked my buttocks on this one so respect. :)

Glad you liked it though!

No surprise really...

As a really big fan of the Piano and semi-trance style ambient music, this really hit the spot. You did an awesome job on this song, there's really not a lot else I can say aside from what you said already stated yourself.

Loved the guitar bending as well. :D Great job!

9/10 - 5/5.

- NT.

CrimzonWolf777 responds:

thx NT! now the only thing i need now is help on my new song...cuz musician's block is the death of me...oh and thx for the 5 ^_^v

I like it!

The beginning was nice, really gave that "knightey" feeling nicely. The problem is though that this song is pretty short and not very progressiv (since it's a demo)e, so I can't really give you a full-blown analysis review.

But from what you have here, I'd say it's grounds for a solid foundation to build on, should you ever finish it. A lot of people post demo's and leave it at that due to lack of inspiration. In the end, don't be afraid to try new things with the melodies and overall arrangement! :)

8/10, 5/5.

- NT.

MfMusicFreak responds:

Thx :D I really need to find a bassline but i cant get one lol

GBA-esque goodness.

I could definitely see this in a GBA/DS game. I say this because after the switchup (1/3 of the way) I somehow really feel a Megaman urge coming up, and that's largely due to the synth arrangement and hectic rhythm.

Two pointers I can give you that I've noticed;

* While the synth arrangement is good it's also repeated throughout the entire track. It may be a good idea to switch it up after the first half is done, you were on the right track but brought the main arrangement back regardless.

Even a few subtle changes is enough to make it feel like a fresh step forward, because during the ending phase you're pretty much returning to what the original started with. That would make sense if you wanted to loop the song but since you have an ending, it'd be better to go out with an original "bang" so to speak.

* The bass/background feels overall lacking. Especially in the later parts where the background falls away completely. It doesn't stand out much in the beginning because we may all be thinking it's due to a buildup, but later down the line the bass is still surprisingly absent, there's the one bassline that shifts single notes and that's your background support.

Cutoff bass is introduced 2/3 of the way but it sounds too hollow to actually puncture it's way through everything. Amplify the sound or find a deeper bass that has more "presence" to make it stand out.

Those are the only two things that could be improved upon. :) The song itself is good enough, but it never hurts to try and improve, unless you disagree ofcourse; it's only my opinion.

Regardless, good song!
7/10 - 5/5.


Marks-a-lot responds:

wow, thanks for the review, the longest and most helpful one I have had yet. Yeah, I do hear and know what your talking about. I just rush trough the songs but, I am working on taking my time and making my tracks better. I think I did a little better on my new song.



I'm playing through Lost Odyssey right now (truly first great nextgen RPG IMO), and I gotta say this fits the situation you described pretty well. Especially if you factor in Gongora after the first half is done.

Usually I'm a bit more in depth than this, but it's 4:00 AM in the morning and my braincells are slowly being drowned in inacurracy, so I can't really focus as much as I want.

Be that as it may, I can still appreciate the epicsauce that's been poured over this track. You have my 5.

- NT.

kelwynshade responds:

I'm happy that everyone who's played the game knows what situation I'm talking about, and I'm happy you all feel this fits.


I like that =)

Sharing the love.

Not much there's need to be said, just sharing the love.

A true homage to a truly awesome song. Castlevania music will always be awesome, don't you agree?

We need more Castlevania in the top 30, stat.
9/10, 5/5.

PS: Bloody Tears theme still > Monster Forest though XD~

SupraDarky responds:

Castlevania music has always been amazing. Bloody Tears is a classic. :P But Forest of Monsters needs love sometimes too! Haha. :)
Thanks for the review Nem.


Producer x composer x teacher x parent x audiophile.



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