I'm finally back after a too long absence from NG!
But I hope to make up for lost time by submitting this remix of PHOENIX WRIGHT: ACE ATTORNEY. The entire team I work with are huge fans of this series, and myself included! So it was about time for a Phoenix Wright remix, I think!
Please check it out whenever you feel like it, and if you haven't played any of the Ace Attorney games and love great writing, stories and characters, PLEASE DO. These games are unforgettable! I'm going to be a fangirl and say *I think* that the stories are generally better than the entire metal gear series! Yes, I went there! :o
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /260772
So I hope you enjoy the song, and like me, are totally bummed out because AAI: Miles Edgeworth (<333) doesn't come out until FEBRUARY next year. T____T
reEDIT 1/19/2010:
OMG it made OCR <3 *explodes into confetti*
* OMG capcom reps heard it and loved it <3 *re-explodes into bits of glorious jelly*
one of the best artist of newgrounds, exelent remix !
Thank you <3