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Devil May Cry is dead.

Posted by NemesisTheory - September 15th, 2010

Anyone catch the TGS 2010 trailer?
It's on Gametrailers if you haven't.

I am in tears right now. One of my favorite series is going straight down the drain. I am angry, I am confused.

I can't believe how Ninja Theory completely missed the point of the entire series. Dante now looks like some emo vampire kid that was taken straight out of Twilight or something. This is miles below what I expected out of the new DMC game.

That town, called "Limbo City" apparently, looks like a Gotham City wannabe. The enemies look like they're straight out of Silent Hill. Dante's attitude is completely gone (as are his muscles and masculinity), his sword.. is that even a sword? What happened to the music?

I probably would have been okay with this game had it not been a Devil May Cry game. But it is exactly that, and a reboot at that, and it looks nothing like the games I've been playing with so much love for the last decade. It needed changes, sure, but nothing like this. Not the nuclear solution.

RIP Devil May Cry.
2001 - 2010.

UPDATED April 13th 2011: A no show at Captivate 11, while a game that was announced little than a week ago got a second trailer (Operation Raccoon City). Ninja Theory is definitely on the ball here!

On a side note, Dragon's Dogma looks awesome. Go Kobayashi Go!

Devil May Cry is dead.


just pretend anything after 3 never happened

This is probably the sanest thing to do. I will do my best... but somehow, whenever I'll hear something say "Devil May Cry" I'll be reminded of this.

I actually liked DMC4, despite all it's flaws. They were trying some new things there, didn't quite work out... I still don't see how they could've gone from there.

But yes. Wise words.

Looks interesting, what they shoulda done is just start a new series of course, instead of rebooting the same one over and over. It'll probably be a good game, though alot of people will probably not like it just cuz the same reason that you have, it's not classic DMC so its not DMC.

Well, it didn't have to be classic DMC, it just had to be DMC. Right now this seems more vampire themed than devils, and pretty much all the stuff I listed.

Like I also said, it does look interesting when I block out that he called himself Dante and that it's called "DmC" .. but it is what it is. :(

omg you dont know if its a prequel and you havent seen the gameplay so how can you allready say its dead? you idiot

A) It's a confirmed reboot, not a prequel.
B) It's confirmed to have a western touch, a-la God of War.
C) It doesn't look very good right now.
D) This is, incase you haven't noticed, my opinion, and it isn't forced on you... idiot. =]

it looks likes they are changing everything by the way he moves in the trailer in look likes it's going to be a open word type game like prototype but maybe they changed him to fit with to new type of gameplay but thats no excuse for him to look like a twilight dropout maybe just trying net some money off the movie but if he starts sparkling im shooting someone

Open world? That'd be even weirder. XD

I also lol'd at the sparkling bit... I'd shoot someone too if that happened!

wait its a reboot? whaaaaaaaaa

it is indeed, which pretty much also explains the no 5 or 0 or anything. xD

bullshit wheres the link?

nvm just found it man this better be fake or the dmc 2 crew made this cause i hope this wont be cannon to the story

probably in it's own separate universe I think

maybe he is a young dante in DMC 5. It doesn't look that bad actually.

it is a younger dante according to this.
<a href="http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2010/09/capcom-game-reveal-devil-may-cry/">http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/20 10/09/capcom-game-reveal-devil-may-cr y/</a>

he is a younger dante indeed, but it's not *the* dante as far as I'm concerned. xDD

What the hell happened? The latest iteration makes the Devil May Cry anime worth watching.

I never watched it... but after having seen this, I gotta have to agree with you!

dante wit blackhair ???
NOOO i cant believe it!!

it's not the black hair that bothers me... he looks really scrawny and ill XD

the series always sucked, they all suck, who cares

I care!! :(

I haven't read this post yet, I went over to Gametrailers soon as you mentioned. Lookin at the jpeg they've got up, I am allready sad :(

Oh hey it's not THAT bad. Like yeah he looks like a fuckin nobody punk teen, and the music's boring, and how the fuck does Dante get arrested? and it looks more like Prototype, and somebody else is makin it, and the grunge look is obviously a copy of all the other games comin out now- but at least the combat n animation's still there.
I'm gonna try n stay optimistic until I see gameplay.
If nobody shouts BLASTOFF or BREAKDOWN, then Devil May Cry will be officially dead.

I am holding off on full on personal boycott until I see some gameplay too, but having heard it's going into "God of War" type of gameplay, I have to say I'm not feeling very optimistic XD

Oh and I'm allways against Dante usin a scythe. I think a scythe is a dumb weapon.

doesn't really fit for dante i think, never was a big fan of Nevan (aside from guitar shenanigans) or the red queen myself.

Dang its a reboot? Well thats a bit dissapointing, hopefully the game its self will move in a more intresting direction... I'm gunna miss the white hair.

all my hope's riding on the gameplay at the moment.

but i'm not feeling very optimistic :(

I love the red queen, it's a sword that is also a motorbike, I think it fits the game perfectly

crap, that wasn't the weapon I meant.
I mean the one dante uses and has a rose in his mouth -- I totally forgot the name apparently T_T

Just pretend nothing came after playstation.

I might have to do that. DMC4 was OK though!

I was in your corner....

Till I saw who's making it. Ninja Theory, is pretty badass. Heavenly Sword had an amazing fighting system. And their new game "Enslaved" looks pretty great as well.

I think the original DMC series was cool, but the look, locations and characters have definitely been exhausted. A DMC5 probably would've been, meh..

Im looking forward to seeing what could be done with a fresh perspective.

True, Ninja Theory is pretty good and enslaved looks really good.

I think a fresh perspective would've worked, but pretty much everything has been changed. This would've been a perfect new franchise for capcom or ninja theory (or better, both)... but this is a far cry from anything Devil May Cry has been.

I mean look now Resident Evil 4 brought a fresh perspective to the franchise, and it didn't need to reboot the entire thing. That's kinda what I had hoped Ninja Theory would've done, or capcom for that matter -- but this is overboard IMHO.

The only way I thought they could save the game from being disastrous was for him not to be called Dante. Anything just to show it's an independent character and maybe it stands a chance. As soon as he revealed his name as Dante, that's when the entire thing crashed and went to hell.

I felt the same way...
The whole "what's your name" thing kept repeating throughout and I was hoping it'd just be a new character in a different setting...

When he said "Dante", that's when I pretty much exhaled and facepalmed.

WTF happen to DANTE!

he got dejapanized

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